California Declares State of Emergency After 1st coronavirus Death

by Shatakshi Gupta

Congress had already approved a huge amount of $8.3 billion as an emergency spending bill in order to fight the virus, but the officials of other countries informed that this virus would just keep spreading at a fast pace for some more time. This virus had already infected approximately 210 individuals in the United States, of which around 12 are now dead.

The crisis is deepening in the U.S., as the world over cases reaches 100,000.

Now the U.S. Coast Guards are rushing with the testing kits to that cruise ship which is quarantined off the coast of California on Thursday, while the new cases and deaths caused due to coronavirus in the United States are continuing to rise. Momentarily, California had also joined the list of states who had declared emergency. Till now, 12 deaths have been caused due to the virus —all of them in Seattle— also with 210 confirmed cases around the country. Cases reported in New Jersey and Tennessee had now brought 18 states in the list which is having infected patients in them. Washington State reported dozens of cases on Thursday, and New York added nine more in its list. San Francisco also recorded its first two cases, and Houston reported its first.

All over the world, there were around 98,000 cases and of them, more than 3,300 have already died. A global database maintained by Johns Hopkins recorded around more than 53,600 recoveries from this virus. School closures have affected roughly 300 million students globally. Now as the adverse effects of this virus are rippling across the world, the very crisis is deepening in the United States.

The authorities those of the Seattle area, where two dozen new cases were actually disclosed on Thursday, increased their efforts for containing this country’s worst outbreak. California also announced the first coronavirus-related death outside of Washington State: a 69-year-old man who recently traveled on that detained cruise ship named the Grand Princess died. The ship still continues to be in the sea by the time, passengers are being tested for the virus.

Also Read:Coronavirus A Major Hit To The Wildlife And Farm Animal Industry In China

Stocks and airlines are shattered with $113 billion losses

Stocks are felling, oil had also slipped as well as yields on government bonds slid again on Thursday — all investors continue to be anxious about the adverse effects of coronavirus on the global economy.

The drop on Wall Street on Thursday was led by energy, financial and industrial stocks — everyone remains susceptible to concerns about the economy. Each of these former sectors had fallen about 3 percent.

On the other hand, Asian markets actually told a different story earlier in the day. They had closed higher, maintaining momentum with investors in the United States, who all pushed the stock prices up the day before in the wake of this week’s Democratic primary results.

And as carriers around the world halt flights and tourism sputters in the face of spreading outbreaks, annual global airline revenues could see $63 billion to $113 billion wiped out, the International Air Transport Association said on Thursday.

A cruise ship which is related to California’s first death is resting off the coast, while passengers and crew members are waiting for test results.

 A cruise ship which was returning to California from Hawaii is being rested off the coast of San Francisco after the officials were informed that a coronavirus patient who died near Sacramento on Wednesday, traveled on the same vessel last month and also that 21 people on board were too showing symptoms. Test kits were flown out to the ship, the Grand Princess, for use on those with symptoms and also dozens of passengers who had been on an earlier leg of the cruise with the man who died, and were flown back later in the day.

The patient, who had died in Placer County, near Sacramento, was actually the first to die from coronavirus in California and had traveled on the ship on a round trip from San Francisco to Mexico last month. Of about 2,500 passengers aboard that cruise, about half were Californians, Mr. Newsom said.

About 60 passengers from that leg stayed on for the trip to Hawaii and are still on board. Ten crew members, as well as 11 passengers, are also showing symptoms now. Around 56 people have been treated for coronavirus in California.

Congress sends an $8.3 billion aid package to Trump’s desk, as U.S. nurses raise alarms.

 The Senate resonantly approved sum of $8.3 billion as an emergency aid on Thursday in order to oppose the spread of coronavirus, sending the package for President Trump’s expected signature, even as nurses in two of the hardest-hit states warned of a lack of equipment and training.

The binary package allocates around $7.8 billion for those agencies that are dealing with the virus, both state as well as local health departments which actually stated that, even as they are dealing with early-stage outbreaks, their resources are strained. It also allotted $500 million for encouraging Medicare providers for telehealth services for all those elderly ones at home.

Nurses there in Washington State and California also stated that they lacked the protective equipment which they needed for caring of coronavirus patients and training in how to use it, as well as clear protocols to keep themselves and their patients safe. Health care workers are among the groups most at risk of contracting the virus. At least eight people who work in health care facilities in the United States have been diagnosed with coronavirus.

Some nurses said that instead of in-person training, they had been asked to watch online videos about how to spot the virus and how to put on and take off hazmat suits. Others said they had been forced to beg for N95 masks, which are thicker and block out much smaller particles than surgical masks do. And still, others said they had faced ridicule when expressing concerns about catching the highly contagious virus.

“If nurses aren’t safe, then really our community isn’t safe,” said Jenny Managhebi, a clinical nurse at the University of California Davis Medical Center, where 24 nurses were asked to self-quarantine after a patient tested positive. “If I’m not safe at the bedside when I come home to my husband and my children, then they’re not safe.”

Also Read:Coronavirus Disease 2019- Symptoms, Precautions

The difficulty of calculating the virus’s fatality rate.

With the numbers of coronavirus cases soaring and experts putting out varying estimates of death rates, it can be hard to keep track of what all the numbers mean.

To help, an editor on our science team, James Gorman, tracked down a mathematician who uses math to understand outbreaks of diseases like Ebola, SARS, influenza and now the coronavirus, or Covid-19: Dr. Adam Kucharski at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Here are selections from their edited, condensed exchanges by phone and email.

Number of Cases doubled New York State.

The number of confirmed cases of the new coronavirus in New York State doubled on Thursday, with officials announcing two additional cases in New York City, eight new cases in Westchester County and one on Long Island. That brings the number of confirmed cases in the state to 22.

Mr. de Blasio said the two cases were New York City’s third and fourth positive results since the city began testing this week. The first confirmed case in New York — a 39-year-old woman who contracted the disease while visiting Iran — had been announced by state officials on Sunday. The woman, a health care worker, did not use mass transit and has been isolated at home with her husband, who has not tested positive for the disease, officials said.

Washington State reports 75 cases, Seattle – area district schools closed.

In Washington State, place of the nation’s most awful outbreak, officials confirmed dozens of fresh cases on Thursday, rising the figure to 75, helping drive the national total to 199.

The North Shore School District, which serves more than 20,000 children in a suburb north of Seattle, closed for a minimum of the next two weeks after a parent volunteer tested positive for the virus. It’s the largest such shutdown in the United States resulting from the outbreak. Public health officials urged organizers to cancel public gatherings and asked companies to let employees work from home.

Seattle’s tarnished traffic; all are now wiped out, and there are few cars on the highways raced along unhampered. In the South Lake Union area, where thousands of people work for tech companies and parking is usually a challenge, spaces were easy to find. Even Facebook, as well as Amazon both, had reported having a worker infected with the virus.