How to Delete Your Facebook Account

by Madhvi Bansal

The advent of social media has drastically changed the way we interact with the world. On one hand, it has brought us closer to the ones who are far away, while on the other it has also drifted us apart from the ones who are near us in addition to adversely affecting our mental health. The recent events regarding privacy breaches of Facebook have pushed people to consider deleting their Facebook account for good. Though, deleting Facebook is a huge decision considering how we depend on it for our social interactions and professional opportunities as well. 

Facebook feeds on the data of the people, therefore, your presence on Facebook is essential for it, and as a result, Facebook provides the user an option to deactivate their account, in case they just need a break from Facebook, they can reactivate their account whenever they feel like by just logging in again. 

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Difference between Deactivating and Deleting the Account

Deactivating the account means: 

  • You can reactivate it whenever you want to. 
  • Your friends will not be able to see your Facebook timeline or search for you. 
  • All your data like your friend list or interests will be saved and accessible to you whenever you log in again. 
  • The messages you have sent to people will remain visible to the people you sent those messages to.

However, if you decide to delete your account, Facebook delays the process offering a grace period of 30 days. 

  • If you log in again to your account during the grace period the deletion of your account is canceled.
  • If your account is deleted, it cannot be regained. It takes up to 90 days for the data to be permanently deleted from the database but isn’t available on Facebook during this period. 
  • Though, your messages to the person you have chatted with remains available along with some other material like your log record, “dissociated from personal identifiers”, according to the company. 

So, if you want to just take a break from social media deactivating the account is a feasible option. Deleting a Facebook account is a serious step that should be properly thought through before being acted upon.

How to Deactivate your Facebook Account

A Facebook account can be easily deactivated following the given steps :

  • Click on the account menu down arrow in the right corner of your Facebook page in your browser. 
  • Select ‘Settings’. 
  • Click ‘General’. Select ‘Manage your account’. 
  • Select the option ‘Deactivate your account’ and follow the steps to confirm the decision. 

To reactivate your account simply login with your e-mail and password and all your data will be reinstated. 

How to Delete your Facebook Account

Deleting Facebook is a permanent step. Since social media has become such an integral part of our society nowadays, the decision to delete a Facebook account should be taken considering all the repercussions of it. 

However, if you still want to delete your Facebook account:

  • Facebook offers the option of downloading your data, it includes your photos, videos, and other data. As all your information will be deleted once your account is permanently deleted. If you are the only developer for some Facebook account, your developer account will also be deleted. If you are the only administrator of an app on Facebook, the app will be deleted. 
  • Lastly, click on the delete account option to delete your Facebook account. 

That’s the end of Facebook for you. 

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