Given the increasing cases of Corona, the centre on Wednesday made animperative decision for CBSE board students. The government has cancelled the examinations of class 10, which were scheduled from May 4 and has now deferred the exams for class 12 till further notification. Now, The government will decide on the 12th examination on 1 June. If it is decided to conduct the exam, then students will be given 15 days, that is, the exam will be done only after June 15.
What decision did Government take today?
For students of 10th: Their examinations were to be held from May 4 to June 14. Now, these have been cancelled. Students of class 10th CBSE board will not be tested this year. All students will be promoted to the next class, but, what will be the basis of this result? CBSE will decide it.
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If a student is not satisfied with the marks given by the board, then he/she can appear in the examination, but this examination will be conducted, when the conditions in the country become conducive for this.
For students of class 12th: The examination, which was scheduled for May 4 to June 14, has beenpostponed. The board will review the situation on 1 June. The new date will come after June 1. If the examination takes place, students will be given at least 15 days prior notice for preparation.
Is an online exam possible?
An official associated with the Ministry of Education said that an online exam of 12th is not possible on short notice. How soon will the students prepare themselves for the online pattern? In such a situation, options like getting the exam online and cancelling them are not possible.
These decisions were taken in an hour-long meeting of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank on Wednesday afternoon. Earlier, many leaders and state governments had demanded the postponement of CBSE exams.
It is being said that in the meeting, the officials had suggested that the examinations of both 12th and 10th should be postponed, but after hearing everyone’s suggestion, the Prime Minister said that the children have already suffered a lot of loss and trouble in Corona. In such a situation, the 10th examination should be cancelled and the 12th examination should be postponed.

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CBSE examinations were to start from May 4
CBSE 10th and 12th examinations were to be held from May 4. The All India Student Association had also sought to postpone the 10th and 12th exams. A letter to the Ministry of Education was written on behalf of the association in this regard. Along with this, the students also campaigned with #CancelBoardExam2021 on social media.
About 35.81 lakh students are enrolledfor CBSE board exams, including 10th and 12th. There were more than 14 lakh students of 12th and 21.50 lakh students of 10th class.
What happened last year?
Last year, some papers of the CBSE board were not conducted due to pandemic. The exams, which took place between 1 to 15 July, were then cancelled.
Corona cases are uncontrollable in many states
Many states including Maharashtra, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh are badly hit by Corona. In many other states also, the situation is deteriorating. In such a situation it was a big challenge to conduct the exam. Before the decision of the Centre, the governments of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh had deferred their state board examinations.Today also,the Education minister urged other states to follow the same.