Why NRC and CAA are so much Opposed by the Young Indians

by TrendingNews Desk
Shaheen Bagh

NRC and CAA have been at the top of the news and regular affairs in India for quite a long time now. Thousands of protests took place in several destinations of India. But the young generation of India, mainly the students of different universities and colleges took an active part in the protests against NRC and CAA. There are numerous ideologies and opinions which came up in support and against these two impactful bills. Every individual can realize the immense and adverse effects of the bills across the whole country. The entire population of India got divided into two parts on the basis of supporting these bills. Some people are supporting NRC and CAA for certain reasons while some people are opposing these bills entirely. Mainly, the students have actively joined in the protests. Media has shown the processions and protests of students of universities like JNU and Jamia Milia Islamia University. These two bills massively affected the people of the whole county.

What is NRC?


The full name of NRC is the National Register of Citizens. This is the national register which keeps the records of the citizens of the country. The main purpose of this register is to maintain the exact information and statistics of the number of citizens of the country. A person who is the citizen of our country has to get registration in the National Register. If a person doesn’t have proper registration then he/she cannon be considered as a citizen of India.

Also Read:What Are The Confusion Behind NRC

What is CAA?


The CAA stands for Citizenship Amendment Act. This act allows the immigrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan to get Indian citizenship easily except Muslims. People who are following Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Persian or  Christian religion will get Indian citizenship after residing in India for 5 years. But the act is clearly excluding the people of the Muslim community. This act clearly ensures that the people of the six communities from those 3 neighbor countries, apart from the Muslim community, will get Indian citizenship easily.

NRC is not actually based on religious aspects. But CAA clearly excludes the Muslim community.

There is more than one reason behind the protests against these two bills. Several kinds of protests have been raised again the decision of the government of activating the bills. Mainly, the students of various universities raised a loud protest against the bills. Many celebrities also took part in the protest rallies and the opposition parties and leaders promoted the protest against the decision of the government.

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Here are the reasons why the young generation of India protested so much against the implementation of bills:-

Students are the future of the country. With the advancement of education and learning, students have a clear idea about the wrong and right things. And you can see the students as they face several recent protests for quite a long time now. There are some vital reasons for them to do the protest which are-

These are the main reasons why the young Indians are opposing the bills so immensely. Their demands are to get the right justice according to the Constitution of India. They are respectful to the Indian democracy and they don’t want any kind of flaw of injustice with them. That’s why the young Indians, mainly students are raising protests together.