Nowadays, with the increasing use of ICT services our consumerism is also transforming in every sphere. This change is also very much evident in the field…
Amid the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, every country is trying to develop a vaccine for the Coronavirus. Now India is also in the race of…
All the countries around the world are currently focusing only and only on discovering as well as in formulating a vaccine or a medicine in the…
In a new study, some UK researchers found that a cheap and easily available drug can help save the lives of patients seriously ill with COVID-19.…
A World Health Organization scientist Dr Maria Van Kerkhove has clarified that to what extent coronavirus transmission comes from asymptomatic people is still not known clearly.…
COVID-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on the world and Indian economy as a result top 100 most valuable brands of India could lose up to 15…
All the countries are continuously fighting against Covid-19 pandemic, and everyone around the world is just focusing on the research and development of some vaccine, so…
नई दिल्ली। कोरोना वायरस की वैक्सीन को लेकर पूरी दुनिया में रिसर्च चल रहा है अलग-अलग देश यह दावा कर रहे हैं कि उनके यहां वैक्सीन…
नई दिल्ली। 5 अप्रैल, रात 9 बजे और 9 मिनट जिसको लेकर हर तरफ चर्चा हो रही है। सोशल मीडिया हो या न्यूज चैनल हर कोई…
नई दिल्ली। चीन से निकले इस वायरस ने पूरी दुनिया में कोहराम मचा रखा है। इस वायरस के कारण लोगों को अपने घरों में कैद होने…